Week 4 - The Present Future
Trends now and before The new global division of labour One of the most commonly talked about trends in any business management class, this still holds true to this day. However, the scale at which this has been done is somewhat disturbing. A lot of the time, it is done with such carelessness that it leaves the people back at home without any jobs, seeing as they were specialized/had been working these more routine jobs for a long time and are perhaps even completely incapable of taking on a new job. To some extent, an example of this can be seen in Estonia with the old factories. Estonia focused so largely on being an e-country that it sold off a large share of its own manufacturing, leaving a lot of older people without any jobs [as well as the country with bad imports - mostly importing raw wood for example, rather than actually doing something with it]. Population aging 2010 [dark bars] vs predicted 2060 [light] EU ages While there is no...