
Showing posts from February, 2021

Week 4 - The Present Future

 Trends now and before The new global division of labour      One of the most commonly talked about trends in any business management class, this still holds true to this day. However, the scale at which this has been done is somewhat disturbing. A lot of the time, it is done with such carelessness that it leaves the people back at home without any jobs, seeing as they were specialized/had been working these more routine jobs for a long time and are perhaps even completely incapable of taking on a new job. To some extent, an example of this can be seen in Estonia with the old factories. Estonia focused so largely on being an e-country that it sold off a large share of its own manufacturing, leaving a lot of older people without any jobs [as well as the country with bad imports - mostly importing raw wood for example, rather than actually doing something with it]. Population aging 2010 [dark bars] vs predicted 2060 [light] EU ages      While there is no...

Week 3 - Freedom, and its price.

 4chan      To anyone that knows this platform, simply hearing the name provokes a certain emotion. A lot of the times, said emotion is.. fear and confusion. 4chan is sometimes recognized as the 'dark web of the surface web'. Essentially, by a lot of people, it is merely considered a more serious/borderless version of reddit. With nearly no censorship, it is an anonymous 'bulletin board' that is a free for all outsiders normally dare not venture into. Even though times have changed quite a lot, I will mostly be talking about the 'classical' part of 4chan. The most famous part. /b/ and /pol/.      To anyone not familiar with its structure, these are simply subforums within 4chan. Two out of the total of 63 boards. However, those two... Are responsible for 4chan's entire reputation. They are the birthplace Anonymous, they are the brutal war command of the internet. The subforum names themselves seem harmless - /b/ standing for random and /pol/ standing f...

Week 2 - Failure.. and success!

 Academset      Technically just a more advanced version of the original Computing Center for Collective Use, the Academset was one of the only few examples of a 'decent' network structure during the Soviet era. Initially built only to serve the staff of the Leningrad Scientific Center, it began expanding during the late 70s, when various other institutions (such as factories), started becoming integrated into the network. After that point, it started growing more and more until it officially became the "Leningrad information-computer network of the SSSR" and was fully fledged into its 'final' iteration - the Academset, which also established links between the satellite countries under the Soviet reign.       The network had several issues, most notably the usage of the OSI protocol demanding a high amount of main memory from the central computers. After the fall of the Soviet union, the mainframe of the network was destroyed and Russia gained acc...

Week 1 - Failure.

 "Behind every success, are lots of failures" Navdy     The goal of the company was to 'revolutionize automotive navigation'. They attempted to do this through the use of a HUD which would show various types of data to the user (Such as navigational data and the like). The point of the device was to make sure people would keep their eyes on the road, rather than peek down at their phones every now and then to check the map. It was meant to be configurable through a mobile app, and that was all the mobile input that was required - no looking at the device while driving. The reason for their failure was twofold: Money and actual usability.         While the idea itself sounds neat, the original price of $799 was far too great for the 'average Joe' that the product was aimed towards. Even though the price was soon cut down to $499, people started complaining about its actual usefulness. It turned out that the display itself would actually impair the user'...


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